Friday, April 16, 2010

The First Stream's Trail...

Why did this quest begin? The simple and most obvious answer is curiousity. It then becomes more complicated, as the current political and economic situation afflicting the USA precipitated a search for personal answers. While taking the uniqueness of our represesntative republic for granted, I had never delved into the reasons our nation held 'special' status. Lip service paid to 'freedom', 'equality', ' individualism', such an easy, glib dogma, but what did this actually mean? Was the threatened 'fundamental transformation' something that was inevitable? Or was there a depth of truth which was being attacked?

Our founders were presented as important, heroic individuals in my 1950s history lessons. We read and discussed the Constitution, the three components of the government, checks and balances. We were fortunate: students now are not so priviledged. An early visit to Jefferson's Monticello left me fascinated by both the man and his way of life.I recognized, even at 8 or 9, Jefferson's incredible intellectual gift, his sense of the world in which he lived and his rationalism. Benjamin Franklin, the funny rotund-like fellow with a bald head and scraggly white hair was another of the giants in my imagination. He, too, a man of ideas, creativity and profound intellectualism injected a touch of humor into his vast range of accomplishments. Never could figure out why he was such a ladies' man, though. My father had declared an ancestral link to Franklin, albeit indirect, and my recent research confirmed this. His mother was the sister of my direct ancestors, both being daughters of Peter Folger of Nantucket fame. That was good enough for me!

So what was it about this group of men that was able to provide us with this system of government? They were so much more as individuals than anyone around today, perhaps because their particularly critical time in history demanded the best they had to offer, and, most importantly, their faith in something bigger than themselves, in a Law, immutable and universal. God, the Creator, natural law, universal law - all names to describe the same thing, essentially that which we cannot understand in its complexity and scope, but which functions according to principles and patterns which include All. While humanity is unable to fathom all facets, it does, however, hold within the seeds of this Truth and interconnectedness. We are aware of ourselves as individual, separate entities able to create and discover greatness both physically and spiritually, knowing and feeling at the same time, part of the whole, contributing what we can to the whole of Creation. There is not one path to this understanding, and the Founders knew this. They welcomed seekers, and doers as well as those content to raise families, or simply farm their land, do their routine jobs, or explore the huge expanse of this land. That groups became vilified for their beliefs or race or national origin was the result of human frailty and error, not the basic Law or Creator. We are imperfect; we are to blame for what does not work, not this Nation founded on Truth and Principle. We cannot interpret the Law based on what we want at the moment. It is what it is. It does not change, and is the only way to ensure the possibility of freedom of thought and belief.

And what is this Law? What are these principles which guide us who are willing to follow? Every major belief system, or religion, seems to seek the same answers. A belonging, finding one's place within a structure which encourages upward striving, enlightenment, one's spiritual best. Unless there are Truths to strive for, such an endeavor would seem to be pointless and random. But the institiutional entity known as Religion can hide and manipulate the Truths to suit its agenda. Truths remain, but adherents perhaps lose their ability to find enlightenment within shallowly imposed limitations.

America was founded to allow each citizen to search for her/his own personal best. It was not guaranteed. One's goals are personal, not governmental. If I choose to be supported by my community, I can do so, but I lose MY ability to be free as long as I remain there. If you choose to invent a device that will make life easier and safer for millions of people, you have the freedom to make money which contributes to the economy and you also have the capacity to give what you have earned to those less fortunate. It is your choice.

Only in America.